Sahil, a 13 year old boy was enjoying his weekend. Playing cricket under the  bright sunny day, getting all dirty in the mud. It was fun. Life was good. It was a perfect day “Friday the 13” The boys sat together for a break after the cricket match. Rohan stated “Do you all know what day is it today?” Dhruv screamed “It’s the 13th of Friday.” “Yes, it is but do you all know the significance of today?” questioned Rohan in a rather mysterious tone. The boys collectively said “No” Rohan took a sip of water and started with his facts. Apparently today’s supposed to be an unlucky day. If you check on internet you’ll come across real stories of misfortune.” Everyone gasped “Don’t joke around with kids Rohan”  exclaimed Adi, the oldest and wisest of all. “come on it’s just a story, I’m sure nobody here believes it.” said Rohan to defend himself. Before any of them could respond Sahil’s mother interrupted their conversation. “Hello boys! How are you all?” asked Sahil’s mom. The kids replied “Good” Sahil was called aside and he seemed rather pissed. “What is it mom?” questioned Sahil in a polite yet irritated tone. “I and your sister are going out Dad is at work and your grandparents are out of town… explained Sahil’s mom.” “Yes, I’m fully aware” stated Sahil. “Good! So I want you to look after the house until one of us come home commanded his mom. “Ugh!” sighed Sahil and asked “When will you be back?” “I’m not sure”
replied his mom.” He knew he had no choice, so he bid his friends goodbye and went straight home.

Despite being stuck at home, he felt happy and relaxed since he was home alone. “This whole house is mine Hehe Hahahaha!” screached Sahil in an evil voice. He spent most part of his day at the ground floor living room watching TV. He skipped channel after channel and carelessly
watched cartoons. Sahil had no conscious of time. When he peeped out the window after finally getting tired gazing at the TV, he noticed it was
dark. He was surprised, it 7pm already. Everything was ok until he recalled Rohan’s words said earlier this morning. Chills shrivelled through
his spines and a sense of fear took over him.

He quickly closed all the doors, windows and curtains. There was no reason to be frightened. Sahil was gifted with an ability, he was an expert at overthinking. He started making up unrealistic and scary scenarios in his mind. “Ah! I’ll go bonkers at this rate” exclaimed Sahi.l He sat silently on the couch thinking of his next step. “Lemme play video games to distract mind” thought Sahil.

He kicked open a door in the living room which contained stairs to go to 1st floor of their house. It was a very old house and needed lights at the stair area. He switched on the light and proceeded upstairs. Going straight to his bedroom he switched on the tube light situated right next to his bedroom door. The lights started flickering crazily and in darkness Sahil saw a figure of a human sitting and chilling on his bed. His eyes widened but not a word struck out his mouth as he was too stunned to speak. He impulsively ran towards the stairs and lucky enough the lights
went off, stumbled and fell down the stairs. Before he could process anything he heard his door bell ring. He quickly got up and before he
even reached the door, somebody started banging the door hysterically. He stood there stunned but eventually gathered up some courage and went to check who it was through the peephole. It was pitch black when he looked through it. Scary thoughts took over him, finally. He checked out the window and uff he sighed, it was his elder sister. He opened the door for her and listened to his sister taunts. His sister proceeded to go upstairs. Sahil wasn’t sure if he should let his sister know about the humanly figure or not and continued to follow his sister upstairs all the way in the dark. “This house is too old, it needs a lot of development ” stated his sister. As they reached 1st floor sahil’s sister gave one look at Sahil’s room and screamed “can’t you switch off the lights when you’re not in the room?” she angrily walked towards his room and Sahil followed along with utter fear. As he entered his room he noticed his sisters’s  human sized teddy bear on the bed. “Oh!”it finally made sense, it was a teddy bear and not a human. It was all good until he felt someone’s breath on his shoulders and a pat. He turned around screaming and almost fell to the ground. “What happened? “exclaimed Sahil’s mom with surprise “Oh my god!” sighed Sahil with shock and slowly felt relief while looking at the situation. “Hehe for a second’s thought this was misfortune of Friday the 13…. Jeez I should stop listening too Rohan” said Sahil to himself.

“Based on true Events”


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